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Organization Results

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Summary of Biochemistry Organization:

Administrative Staff - Biochemistry
Graduate Program Chair
Undergraduate Program Chair
Faculty - Biochemistry
Faculty - Clinical Biochemistry
Staff - Biochemistry
Staff - Clinical Biochemistry
Graduate Student
Emeritus Faculty
Biochemistry Core Facilities
Subgroup Biomolecular Interaction and Conformation Facility (BICF)
Subgroup Biological Mass Spectrometry Laboratory
Subgroup Biomolecular NMR Laboratory
Subgroup Functional Proteomics Facility
Subgroup Macromolecular Crystallography Facility
Subgroup Peptide Synthesis Laboratory
Subgroup MALDI Mass Spectrometry Facility
Postdoctoral Fellows
Summer Research/Work Study Students
Other Personnel

Personnel in Biochemistry by Groups/Subgroups

Gloor, Dr. Gregory B. (Professor & Chair) 519 661-3526 x83526 MSB 342C
Administrative Staff - Biochemistry     
Thai,   Boun (Manager, Operations & Safety) 519 661-3093  MSB 338
Timothaws,   Neiven (Program Assistant) 519 661-2111 x86850 MSB M342
Jamieson,   Jessica (Manager, Administration & Finance) 519 661-2111 x86852 MSB 342B
Weir,   Lynn (Research Co-ordinator) 519 661-2111 x84561 MSB 336
Graduate Program Chair     
Shilton, Dr. Brian (Director, Macromolecular Crystallography Facility; Chair Grad Program) 519 661-4124 x84124 MSB 332
      lab 519 661-2111 x86851 MSB 329
Shaw,   Gary (Director, BioCORE) 519 661-4021 x84021 MSB 306
      lab 519 661-3058 x83058 MSB 312
Undergraduate Program Chair     
McLachlin,   Derek 519 661-3072 x83072 MSB 349
      Lab 519 661-3072 x83072 MSB 127
Choy,   Wing-Yiu ((Associate Chair, Undergraduate Program))    MSB 302
           MSB 314
Boffa,   Michael (Undergraduate Chair) 519 931-5222 x25222 RRI 4245A
Faculty - Biochemistry     
Ball,   Eric (Professor Emeritus) 519 661-3068 x83068 MSB 366
      Lab    MSB 369
Boffa,   Michael (Undergraduate Chair) 519 931-5222 x25222 RRI 4245A
Brandl,   Christopher J 519 850-2395 x82395 MBL 210
Choy,   Wing-Yiu ((Associate Chair, Undergraduate Program))    MSB 302
           MSB 314
DiMattia, Dr. Gabriel 519 685-8600 x53625 LRCC  
      lab 519 685-8600 x53626 WH 4022
Dunn, Dr. Stanley (Professor Emeritus) 519 661-3055 x83055 MSB 324
      lab 519 661-2111 x86854 MSB 323
Edgell, Dr. David 519 661-3133 x83133 MBL 108
      Lab 519 661-2111 x87439 MBL C103
Garnham,   Christopher       
Gloor, Dr. Gregory B. (Professor & Chair) 519 661-3526 x83526 MSB 342C
Goldberg, Dr. Harvey 519 661-2182 x82182 DSB 0021A
      Lab    DSB 0021B
Han, Dr. Victor 519 646-6100 x64798 SJHC F3-106
Haniford, Dr. David B. 519 661-4013 x84013 MBL C204
      lab 519 661-2111 x86865 MBL C204
Hudson,   Robert 519 661-2111 x86349 CHB 222
Huff,   Murray W. (Professor Emeritus) 519 931-5793 x25793 RRI 4-16
      Lab 519 931-5792 x25792 RRI 4-16
Junop,   Murray 519 661-2017 x82017 MSB 364
      Lab    MSB 377
Karas,   Bogumil (Assistant Professor) 519 661-2111 x84670 MSB 374
Konermann,   Lars 519 661-2111 x86313 BGSB 2016
Lajoie,   Gilles (Director, BMSL Facility; Director, Peptide Synthesis Laboratory) 519 661-3054 x83054 SDRI G31C
      lab 519 661-2111 x86697 SDRI  
Li, Dr. Shawn 519 850-2910 x82910 SDRI 107
      Lab 519 661-2111 x85648 SDRI 112, 113
Ling,   Hong 519 661-3557 x83557 MSB 334
      Lab 519 661-3103 x83103 MSB 335
Litchfield,   David W. 519 661-4186 x84186 MSB 350
      Lab 519 661-2111 x86849 MSB 355
McLachlin,   Derek 519 661-3072 x83072 MSB 349
      Lab 519 661-3072 x83072 MSB 127
Meakin,   Susan 519 931-5777 x24304 MBL C-108
      Lab    MBL C212
O'Gorman, Dr. David 519 646-6100 x64397 SJHC F2-116
      Lab 519 646-6100 x65347 SJHC  
Penner,   Gregory 519-858-5050     
Pickering, Dr. Geoff 519 663-3973 x33973 LHSC-UH  
Rogan, Dr. Peter    SDRI 201A
      lab    SDRI 202
Schild Poulter, Dr. Caroline 591 663-5777 x24164 RRI  
      lab 519 663-5777 x24026 RRI  
Shaw,   Gary (Director, BioCORE) 519 661-4021 x84021 MSB 306
      lab 519 661-3058 x83058 MSB 312
Shilton, Dr. Brian (Director, Macromolecular Crystallography Facility; Chair Grad Program) 519 661-4124 x84124 MSB 332
      lab 519 661-2111 x86851 MSB 329
Torchia,   Joseph (Professor Emeritus) 519 685-8500 x58692 LRCC A4-913a
      Lab 519 685-8500 x53162 LRCC A4-915
Yeung,   Ken (Associate Professor)       
Faculty - Clinical Biochemistry     
Ainsworth,   Peter      LHSC-VH  
Hegele, Dr. Robert 519-931-5271 x25271 RRI 4-06.1
Prabhakaran,   Victor      LHSC-VH B10-123
Rodenhiser,   David (Professor Emeritus, Oncology-LRCC / Biochemistry-LHSC(VH) / Paediatrics-LRCC/ Victoria Research Labs) 519 685-8430  LHSC-VH VRL A4-134
Rupar,   Charles 519 685-8500 x71558 LHSC-VH E3-208
        519 685-8500 x71560   Administrator
Siu, Dr. Vicky 519 685-8140  CHWO  
Turley,   Eva 519 685-8600 x53677 LRCC  
      LAB 519 685-8600 x53280    
Staff - Biochemistry     
Clarke,   Victoria 519 661-2111 x86945 MSB 322
Gyenis,   Laszlo (Laboratory Supervisor - Litchfield lab) 519 661-2111 x86849 MSB 353
Kaneko,   Tomonori (Research Associate - Li lab) 519 661-2111 x85648 SDRI 112
Mucaki,   Eliseos    MSB 309A
      lab    MSB 359
      lab    MSB 433
Weir,   Lynn (Research Co-ordinator) 519 661-2111 x84561 MSB 336
Zhang,   Kun    MSB  
Staff - Clinical Biochemistry     
Graduate Student     
Emeritus Faculty     
Gordon, Dr. Bruce (Emeritus Faculty)       
Grant, Dr. Christopher W (Emeritus Faculty)       
Hunter, Dr. Graeme (Professor Emertius)         
Leung, Dr. Fred Y (Emeritus Faculty)       
Lo, Dr. Theodore Ching Yang (Emeritus Faculty)       
Possmayer,   Fred (Professor Emeritus)       
Tustanoff, Dr. Eugene R (Emeritus Faculty)       
Biochemistry Core Facilities     
  Biomolecular Interaction and Conformation Facility (BICF)   (http://www.biochem.uwo.ca/bicf/BICF-home.html)    
  Shaw,   Gary (Director, BioCORE) 519 661-4021 x84021 MSB 306
        lab 519 661-3058 x83058 MSB 312
  Biological Mass Spectrometry Laboratory   (http://www.bmsl.uwo.ca/)    
  Lajoie,   Gilles (Director, BMSL Facility; Director, Peptide Synthesis Laboratory) 519 661-3054 x83054 SDRI G31C
        lab 519 661-2111 x86697 SDRI  
  Biomolecular NMR Laboratory   (http://www.biochem.uwo.ca/wits/bionmrl/index.html)    
  Shaw,   Gary (Director, BioCORE) 519 661-4021 x84021 MSB 306
        lab 519 661-3058 x83058 MSB 312
  Functional Proteomics Facility   (http://www.fmd.uwo.ca/research/NewWebsite04/FGP.html)    
  Litchfield,   David W. 519 661-4186 x84186 MSB 350
        Lab 519 661-2111 x86849 MSB 355
  Macromolecular Crystallography Facility   (http://www.fmd.uwo.ca/research/NewWebsite04/MCF.html)    
  Ling,   Hong 519 661-3557 x83557 MSB 334
        Lab 519 661-3103 x83103 MSB 335
  Shilton, Dr. Brian (Director, Macromolecular Crystallography Facility; Chair Grad Program) 519 661-4124 x84124 MSB 332
        lab 519 661-2111 x86851 MSB 329
  Peptide Synthesis Laboratory   (http://www.fmd.uwo.ca/research/NewWebsite04/Peptide.html)    
  Lajoie,   Gilles (Director, BMSL Facility; Director, Peptide Synthesis Laboratory) 519 661-3054 x83054 SDRI G31C
        lab 519 661-2111 x86697 SDRI  
  MALDI Mass Spectrometry Facility   (http://www.biochem.uwo.ca/wits/MALDI/MALDI-home.html)    
MSB 392
  Yeung,   Ken (Associate Professor)       
Postdoctoral Fellows     
Summer Research/Work Study Students     
Other Personnel
Andrews,   Tallulah (Assistant Professor) 519 661-2111 x86063 SDRI 201A
Bishop,   Stephanie       
Bonham,   Christopher (Adjunct Research Professor & BioCORE Facility Manager) 519 661-2111 x86697 SDRI G31E
Chen,   Chaochao (Mass Spectrometry Facility Manager) 519 661-2111 x80699 SDRI G22B
Dempsey,   Brian 519 661-3362 x83362 MBL 389
Dos Santos,   Scott       
Evans,   Malkanthi       
Gao,   Jing-Yan       
Gebregiworgis,   Teklab (Assistant Professor) 519 661-2111 x81408 MSB 352
Hallett,   Michael 519 661-2111 x87358 MSB 360
Hu,   Pingzhao 519 661-2111 x89276 SDRI 203B
Hunter,   Trevor      IVEY 4354
Jang,   Chloe       
Kadri,   Rima (Program Assistant) 519 661-2111 x86850 MSB 342
Liao,   Yinyin (BioNMR Facility Manager) 519 661-2111 x86136 MSB 308
Lu,   Kun Ping 519 661-2111 x87358 SDRI 110
Luckovitch,   Megan (Graduate and Undergratuate Program Coordinator) 519 661-2111 x83074 MSB 342
Okuda,   Sho       
Reza,   Tasnim (Graduate Student - Boffa lab)    RRI  
Roffey,   Scott (Graduate Student - Litchfield lab)    MSB  
Usman,   Muhammad       
Wang,   Ruizhi       
Yang,   Liju 519-685-8500 x35768 LHSC-VH B10-216
Zhao,   Lin ((Technical Support - Li lab)) 519 661-2111 x80999 SDRI G21

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